Ihr naht euch wieder

Jürgen Klopp BT Sports 访谈(22.11.2014)

Q: You said that you've had an incredible journey together as a team and that's something that maybe you need to remember if somebody makes a mistake. I think that from the outside a lot of people have predicted this team breaking up all the time. When you won the first championship, everyone said 'This is it. They are all gonna go.' But they are still here -- I think there are 12 players from the 1st title, 12 key players here. Is there something special, something a little bit different about this team, that they have a bond maybe, with you and with each other,than other clubs?
Q: 你说过你们作为一支球队一起走过了难以置信的旅程,当有些人犯错的时候也许要记起这一点。外界总是预测这支球队要散了,当你们第一次赢得冠军头衔,人人都在说"这就到头了,他们都会走人的。"但是他们依然在这里,有12名夺得第一个联赛冠军的球员现在依然在球队里。这支球队,相比其他,是不是有些特殊的东西,一些不同的地方,他们和你,他们互相之间有种羁绊?

A: I can't say many things about other clubs, but in our case, yes it's special, of course it's special. We feel all the responsibilities for this story. The players get a little bit older than they started in 2008 when most of them were 20 or 19 years old, and now they are 25, 26. Of course everybody knows this is now different, and they are adults, but we still have very good relationship. Of course we lost players, but we didn't think so much about this, we tried to do our best. That's what we do now. This is really special what we have here. With this situation, and after long time, you can get tired. We are not tired. We are not ready. We don't have enough success together. We are really 'hot'.
A: 其他球队我不会多说,但就我们而言,是的,这当然非常特殊。在这些年来的经历中我们感受到了共同的责任。球员们长大了一些,我在2008年开始和这些球员在一起的时候他们大多19,20岁,现在他们25,26,当然每个人都知道有些事情不复如初,他们已是成年,但我们仍然拥有非常好的关系。当然我们也失去了一些球员,但我们不过多考虑那些,我们只做好自己。这也是我们现在做的。现时我们所拥有的东西是非常特殊的。长年相处,眼下境况又不佳,你可能会觉得疲劳。但我们没有[对彼此]疲劳,我们在一起获得成功的次数还不够,我们依然热情如火。



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